Enter the Magical and Sparkling World of Cocktails

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Add Color To Your Life With Cocktails

Try the practical alcoholic and non alcoholic cocktails designed esspecially for your Magico Cielo product by professional barmen who have participated in the IBA World Cocktail Championship and other events. Recipes that incorporate imagination, fun and a high dosage of tastiness.

Cocktails with Low Calories

Cocktails that focus on the use of sugar and syrups, starring gin and vermouth.

Fresh Cocktails

Cocktails starring the classically fresh lemon and mint flavors.

Hard Cocktails

Cocktails starring whiskey, brandy, italian negroni, or other hard alcohols.

Sour Cocktails

Cocktails that focus on the use of sour flavors such as grapefruit, green apples, mint, lemon, pomogranate, and rasberries, starring tequila, gin, and vermut.

Sweet & Sour Cocktails

Sweet Cocktails

Cocktails focusing on the use of sweet flavors such as watermelon, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, coconuts, and blackberries, starring rum, margarita, malibu, baileys, and tequila.